Sunday, June 27, 2010

7 Months Old

Didn't I just do a post that Lily was turning 6 months?  Here we are again but this time my baby girl is 7 months old!!  

This month was a much healthier month!!  Lily learned to sit and is starting to get crawling down.  She is becoming a better sleeper.  She went through a phase where no matter what she woke up around 5am, but now she is pretty much sleeping until about 7am.  She only does with a late night feeding and if she stays up until around 830-9pm.
Lily went through her 6 month growth spurt. She was eating 40+ ounces.  She has tapered off at 6oz every 3 hours. In the evening she eats 7 ounce bottles. She eats solids 2x a day, 2 ounces with a 5 ounce bottle.  This month she tried blueberries, nectarines, mangos, and a few other combination. We will start on meat soon but I need to figure out how that going to work since she eats about 90% organic food that I make.  We started practicing finger foods. Lily worked so hard to get this in her mouth. She never noticed that it got stuck on her chin.

This month Lily started to laugh more and she smiles all the time. She is so funny because she will smile at you and then quickly turn away like she is embarrassed.  She continues to be a calm baby but she will go after/ask for what she wants. 

We do not her height and weight for this month as we did not go to the doctor but she is starting to outgrow 0-3 month clothing and in baby gap and even where a 6-12 month size in some stuff. Finally!
Thank you Lily for another month of laughter, amazement and joy!!
Sometimes getting pictures of Lily is not always so easy.  She loves to grab for the camera.

Sometimes she forget she knows how to sit.

But when you get good one, oh it is worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Natalie and I enjoyed your blog immensely. Natalie said "she does that to me all the time"- she was referring to the smiling and looking away. Also, on Friday, I took several pictures of her because she looked so adorable in her blue dress. In half of them, they are blurred because she kept trying to grab the camera. You are an amazing Mom and your love for Lily is evident in everything you do from making her organic homemade food, to cute clothes that you sew to writing these wonderful blogs...and especially obvious when you look at your beam with such love. I am very proud of the woman that you are... to me it doesn't seem that long ago when you had your food all over your face yourself! lol! Love you, Baby!--- mom
