Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What A Great Day

So I already think that Lily is the cutest thing alive but today I even more thought that.  Today Lily is 7 weeks old and she had her 1st photos taken professionally.  I spent days observing Lily to figure out the optimal time to take her to get her pictures.  It needed to be a time were she was feeling playful and alert.  We decided that 2pm would be the best time.  Its pretty hard to be on time with a baby but we did pretty well.  We got to the studio at 2:30pm.  We had about an hour till her next feeding she had just gotten up for a nap everything was perfect except the studio was closed for lunch.  I don't overlook many details when planning something but that was a detail I had overlooked.  The lunch hour would end at 3pm.  While we waited I was a nervous wreck.  I already hate when my plans get messed up but I didn't want to miss our small window of opportunity to get Lily at her best.  The photo lady finally showed up about 3:10pm. I am glad to say everything went pretty smoothly.  I think the new surroundings and the lights were so interesting to Lily that she stayed alert the whole time. The lady had a simple toy duck that squeaked.  Lily doesn't really react to many toys but boy did she react to that.  After a while Lily slipped off one the props and at that point she was done.  It was time to eat, her outfit wasn't exactly comfortable and now she had bumped her head she was not having it any more.  We wish we could have gotten more photos but really I don't think I could ever get enough of this cute face!  Here are some of my favorites.  

She did a great job of holding her head up in this prop but on this photo it started to slip and I just love how she looks.

Lily is not a fan of tummy time but from this picture you could never tell.

 I made that flower bow by the way.

 We love the expression on her face.  She knew this was not her home and was not a typical day.

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