Wednesday, December 23, 2009

4 Weeks Old

Lily is 4 weeks old today.  

4 weeks ago this was Lily.  

She was 7lbs 2oz and 18.5 inches long.  

She slept all the time even when it was time to eat.  

She was a strong baby and made the cutest faces. 

We couldn't wait to learn more about her. 

4 weeks later this is Lily and she is forming into her own little person and teaching us something new about her everyday.

  She is now 8lbs 12 oz and is 20.75 inches. 

She is awake so much more and eats 2 ounces every 2 hours. The last couple of days she is seeming to go through a growth spurt and is demanding much more food. 

She is still so strong and can hold her head up for quite some time.  

Lily still makes the funniest faces. Today she was mimicking Kirk and was sticking her tongue out at him.  

She loves to look at the lights on the Christmas Tree.

  She hates to be undressed.  

We are trying to teach her the difference between day and night and she now sleeps in her crib at night.

  She still lets me put silly things on her head which of course I love.

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