Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last year we were able to get some great photos of Lily during the famous Bluebonnet Season in Brenham, here is the post.  I would like to make this an annual tradition so this year we made the trek again.  It wasn't the smoothest trip. Lily was not happy to be in the car seat for so long, we forgot our camera, and the bluebonnets this year were not existent due to the lack of rain.  We did find one field that had some small flowers off of Tigerpoint and FM398.  I would be a great spot for future pictures. It is off the beaten path and not on someone personal property.  And any picture Lily is in is a cute picture.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow the contrast in the flowers this year compared to last year is drastic. And so is the difference in our Lilyput! The pictures are very sweet!

