Thursday, September 30, 2010


More and more Lily is wanting table food over her purees.  So today I made her sweet potatoes and chicken nuggets, emphasis on I made her.  I made both of them from scratch and boy did Lily enjoy my hard work.

Lily always is prepared for the next bite with food in both hands.

 The nuggets and fries were a big success but her big girl bowl not so much. 

  She got food everywhere but that didn't stop her from attacking her food.

 I think we need to work on her table manners.  Chewing with her mouth closed, she isn't even close.

But she did enjoy herself!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lily's New Outfit

I have been looking forward to the fall months where it cools down and all the activities that come with those months like pumpkin patches, hayrides and more.  So knowing that the family will be doing stuff like that means Lily needed a special outfit.  We wouldn't want her to be like all the other kids.  I found this super cute headband at Children's Place and the rest was designed around it. Kirk helped me make up my mind alot too.  Can't wait to see her in it! 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

10 Months

Lily is in the double digits today, 10 Months Old.  I just can't believe it.  
This has been a huge month with Lily's physical development.  She has graduated from army crawling to really crawling and boy does she crawl fast.  This month she learned to pull her self up to standing. I used think she struggled with pulling herself up cause she couldn't really reach the coffee table's top. Whatever!! She just wasn't ready to do it because now she pulls her self up faster than you can blink.  Her ability to stand has made it harder to put her to sleep because now she will pull herself up and scream.  She is still sleeping thru the night so we can deal with a little screaming.  She wants to be walking and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened in the next couple of weeks.  Lily has great fine motor skills. She grasps things easily and has started to cross her fingers. It is so cute.  One of her favorite things is still clapping.

Lily has started to eat more table food and loves all food. She is not a big fan of pasta but anything else bring it on! Lily loves to go out to eat and it doesn't matter if she just  had bottle, she will still beg for some of our food.  She loves to people watch at restaurants and is such a curious booger.

 She can now handle a sippy cup. 

Speaking of boogers, Lily has been dealing with alot of allergies each time we get a rain storm. Poor baby.

Now for the biggest achievement of all, today Lily said dada to Kirk.  Kirk had been working on getting her to say daddy probably before we left the hospital and finally today she did it.  We were out eating and Kirk took her pacifier and she looked at him and said "DaDa" she said her version of daddy when we got home a few more times.  It goes something like this "dadadygigida".  I think that what she hears when kirk says "daddy" several times in a row to her. 

This month brought about more changes than maybe any other month. We can't wait to see what happens next with her.  

Here are her pictures from her photoshoot this morning.


 Lily is now harder to get pictures of. She tries to crawl away and she tries to take off her headbands :(

Happy Birthday our love!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Leg Warmers

Oh my Lily is cute in her new leg warmers.  They dont match her outfit but I had to see how they looked on her.  
I love how her toes are curled because still has to balance when standing.
I made her the tank top to from one of my tanks that didn't fit any more.

Too Cute!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bad Hair Day 3

More hair =Really Bad Hair Day

Speaking of hair-notice anything?

That's right...She is wearing a bow without the headband!!!
Notice anything else?  Like man she is cute!
Aren't her shoes cute?
Lily was in a grumpy mood when I was taking these pictures so I gave her waffle and kept taking pictures. Lily wanted to know why I was doing that. She didn't seem to think it was necessary.

Then she gave in and decided if you want to see it then she will make it worth your while with a couple cute pictures

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pulling Up

Lily's really into pulling herself up.  She can get to her knees with no problem but has a hard time reaching things to pull herself up.  Her solution, to use mommy. If i set next to her on the floor she uses my leg to balance to get into standing position and then reaches for the coffee table.  She gotten really good at it.  Today her legs were a little to far out so she was bent over kinda of weird and she "walked" her legs to the table.  She will even let go for a few seconds.  Its crazy and scary to watch.

Unfortunately is kinda of hard to take the picture and be the ladder but here she is holding on to my arm and reaching for the table at the same time. I am not helping her at all.
She wasn't afraid to let go with a hand to get a toy or take a picture

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Texan Spirit

Lily was ready for the game today! Even though we love Peyton Manning in this household we are Texans through and through and Lily is no exception!

Lily called the touch downs.

We won! Go Texans!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Play Time

Some (actually long) video of Lily playing
(ignore the laundry on the floor, Lily dumped it out of the basket)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Forgotten Picture

Somehow I forgot to post one of our favorite pictures from the Texan game.